在当今日益相互联系的世界, we are frequently confronted with local and global issues that challenge our values and ideals. 此外, 我们承认麦当劳的许多选民-管理人员, 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 父母, 爷爷奶奶, and alumni — have diverse and deeply held personal beliefs and are affected differently by world events.
在McDonogh, it is rare that we will send communitywide communication on complex societal issues and events that do 不 directly impact our 学校 operation. 然而,教育领导人往往面临着采取立场的压力, 相信我们的重点始终放在完成我们的使命上, 愿景, 和价值观. 我们坚定地认为,在我们的世界上没有仇恨的空间, 偏见, 或偏见, 我们毫不含糊地谴责学校和社会上的这种情绪.
我们社区的老师是教育者, 不是研究复杂政治和文化问题的专家. Communicating an institutional position jeopardizes our ability to foster a community where freedom of expression is protected and everyone feels a true sense of belonging.
我们的 approach to moments of tension and crisis will be grounded in the following two principles.
优先考虑学生、教职员工的安全和福祉我们将优先为学生提供必要的支持, 教师, 还有那些苦苦挣扎的员工. 这包括但不限于提供资源, 聚会, 签到, 以及教育项目. It is important to recognize that 教师 are often supporting their 学生 while navigating complex situations and processing information in real time.
关注言论自由和公民话语:作为终身学习的一部分, we encourage community members to engage with difficult topics while they deepen their capacity as curious, 民事, 还有知性的人类. 这一立场保护并培育了我们的承诺 言论自由和民间言论自由专注于教育我们的学生 如何 思考与不思考 什么 想. 需要明确的是,言论自由确实如此 不 允许从事仇恨行为或言论.
Above all, our calling is to prepare 学生 to lead in a rapidly changing world. By focusing on their well-being and our commitment to 言论自由和民间言论自由, we know they will be equipped to do the greatest possible amount of good in our world.